
CAKE DISPLAY CASE WITH INCREASED AIR HUMIDITY OF 85% Customer side: panoramic window made of insulating...
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Extended freshness: particularly long shelf life of the products through air humidity of 85 percent for longer visual freshness and more succulent taste for cakes and tortes.

Easy handling: extendable drawer on the bottommost display area for optimum removal of the food; glass shelf in the upper levels can also be pulled out – for very easy access and handling when stocking.

Quick cleaning: totally easy cleaning of the display case.


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  • Flaps with mirror effect for visual multiplication of the products
  • Service station on the operator side with serviette holder, blade scraper and flexible packaging holder.
  • LED lighting, baker colours on all display levels for natural colour reproduction and attractive food presentation.
  • Refrigerant for remote refrigeration units R134a
  • Increased energy efficiency in ongoing operation; stipulated evaporation temperature for remote refrigeration units is -6 °C.
  • Price tag holders made of Plexiglas.
  • Refrigerant R134a; for remote refrigeration connection lines lead out downwards.