Winston PF46C

Winston Collectramatic high efficiency pressure fryer, model PF46 13″ deep collector, which allows more then 1000 pieces to be cooked without manual filtration or emptying collector. Available with quarter rack basket or traditional clamshell basket.


PF46C model includes Winston 8-channel control and also includes FAST® VC210 control


PF46 4-Head – 14 lbs. (6.35 kg) product 64 lbs. (28.8 kg) or 8.15 g (30.85L) cooking oil


Refer to wiring schematic included in equipment for installation assistance. Cord/Plug not included. Licensed electrician may be required. Check local codes.


To be 16 – 20 gauge stainless steel mounted on four adjustable legs. Cooking vessel to be constructed of stainless steel.


Full 1-1/2″ insulation around the cooking vessel.

Load Limits

Maximum of 14 lbs. (LP46) of frozen or refrigerated chicken, fish, meats, or vegetables per load.

Installation Requirements

Ventilation required. Check local codes.


File Description File size Downloads
pdf PF46-PF56 517 KB 943


PF46 4-Head 14 lbs. (6.35 kg) product 64 lbs. (28.8 kg), or 8.15 g (30.85L) cooking oil

Size in (mm)

H= 45.5″ (1156)
H2= 61.0″ (1549)
W= 20.2″ (513)
D= 33.1″ (841)